Skapa dans
A choreography competition
Skapa dans is a choreography competition for young dancers and choreographers between the ages of 14-22. The purpose of the competition is to encourage young people to create their own dance works and to showcase the bubbling creativity, competence, and ability that exists among young dancers.
Skapa Dans is more than a competition; it’s an opportunity for young choreographers and dancers to develop their stage expression and meet other young dancers with the same interest.
Activities such as dance workshops are also connected to each competition event, creating even more a sense of community and exchange among the participants.
The Skapa Dans national final is organized by Samarbetsrådet för regional dansutveckling (SRD)
How the competition works
Each contestant first participates in their regional preliminary of Skapa Dans. The Västerbotten regional competition takes place at Norrlandsoperan in the fall. Contact your dance consultant for more information and registration. The winner from each preliminary then travels to the national final in Stockholm to meet winners from across the country.
The rules
- The contestant must be between 14-22 years old and registered in, or have a connection to, Västerbotten.
- The choreography must be at least 3 minutes and a maximum of 4 minutes 30 seconds.
- A maximum of 6 participants per group.
- You may dance in several entries but only be the choreographer for one piece.
- All dance styles are welcome!
The jury evaluates
- Artistic and choreographic quality
- Communication and expression
- Originality and personal interpretation
- Overall scenic impression